Switzerland is defined by many distinct stereotypes – gold, cheese, alps, chocolate. The latest special gold coin now serves to remember a special, four-legged Swiss famous for his selfless help.

Swissmint, the country’s federal mint office, yesterday issued its latest special gold coin dedicated to the memory of the most famous Swiss dog ever: Barry, the great Saint Bernard.

Barry lived in a hospice on Great Saint Bernard Pass from 1800 to 1812, a mountain dog kept specifically to serve as rescue aid for travelers who lost their way in the snow and mist.  Monks of the Saint Augustine order founded the hospice in the 11th century as a refuge for travelers and pilgrims.

A Natural Life Saver

Barry, the most famous of all rescue dogs, saved the lives of more than 40 people in his years in the hospice at an altitude of 2,500 meters. The Natural History Museum in Bern is devoting a special exhibition to the stuffed, original Barry and his story.

The coin, which was launched yesterday, has a legal face value of 50 Swiss francs, weighs 11.29 grams and has an alloy of 0,900. Swissmint issued 4,500 coins, it said in a statement on its Website.