We are bidding farewell to this unprecedented year and hope that the new one will be easier and happier. We wish you joyful holidays and a peaceful 2021.

Dear Readers,

The entire finews team joins in sending you Holiday Greetings and thanks for your interest, loyal support, and trust in a tumultuous year. It has been an eventful 12 months for finance, but the new year marks a new beginning, and we're looking forward to being able to meet, embrace, and exchange ideas in person.

We're back on Monday, January 4, with the breaking news, feature stories, industry developments, opinions and the latest on people and trends that you have come to rely on us for.

By the way, here are our top stories on finews.asia in 2020.

  1. Will Swiss Banks Eventually Have to Leave Hong Kong?
  2. VP Bank's Paul Arni: «We Want to Expand Our Regional Network»
  3. Lessons Learned from HSBC’s Dividend Cancellation Fiasco
  4. Claude Baumann: «Life Behind a Mask»
  5. Banking CEOs Working from Home
  6. Benjamin Cavalli: «I'm Only in Virtual Contact With My Boss Now»
  7. Andrew Isbester: «A Referendum That Leaves Many Questions Open»
  8. Piyush Gupta: «We Are on the Cusp of Massive Tokenization»
  9. Lisa Lou: «I Am Not a Believer of Equal Outcomes»
  10. Fintech vs Private Banks: Takeover Threat for Wealth Management?