Koschat 3

He poses with lingerie-clad women, luxury watches, city helicopters – and lots of young, beautiful women. His New Year's post revives every investment banker cliche there is:

His depictions are calculated: «I want to raise awareness in people, show that money is important, and demonstrate all the possibilities,» he told the Austrian paper. Koschat says he actually lives the cliche – with the exception of the private jet. Is he a playboy? «I'm more of a playboy-gentleman: I revere women, love and appreciate them – and like showing them off.»

His bad boy shtick is part of a social media strategy designed for Pallas, which advises Russian and eastern European small- and mid-cap deals. Koschat, the wannabe playboy, says he actually loves his peace and quiet. «I'm more of a loner.»