The U.S. investment bank is reversing Wall Street's most aggressive plan to bring back staff to physical offices.

Goldman Sachs is telling its bankers and other staff to stay at home after all, as the pandemic's omicron variant puts the kibosh on a planned return to Wall Street.

«As we continue to monitor the trajectory of this spike, we now encourage those who can work effectively from home to do so,» the New York-based bank wrote to its employees on Sunday, according to «Bloomberg»(behind paywall). The U.S. recorded 580,000 cases of omicron, according to a «New York Times» database – the second day in a row it broke a daily record.

Goldman Sachs had previously been set on bringing its employees back physically from remote working, telling employees it would require vaccination and boosters to do so. Its Wall Street counterparts have been more circumspect on bringing its staff back to physical office spaces.