Swiss banking is paving the way for more and more mobile payment solutions. Viseca, a major credit card firm in Switzerland, has opened its platform to Samsung Pay.

Viseca, a credit card firm that belongs to Aduno Group, signed an agreement with Samsung Pay, which will make the service available to its customers. The users of Viseca credit cards as well as cantonal and regional banks in Switzerland will be able to pay using the Samsung solution on a smartphone, the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

Viseca customers already can use payment solutions provided by Fitbit, Garmin, Swatchpay as well as One Mobile Pay, the company’s one mobile payment application.

The portfolio of the company includes credit cards for clients of several cantonal banks, Raiffeisen, Migros Bank, Bank Cler, Valiant, Entris and Clientis, as well as its own credit cards. Dario Casari, the country manager of Samsung Switzerland, promised that further banks in the Viseca portfolio would follow suit in coming weeks.