Geneva's Cantonal bank BCGE is entrusting its trading to an experienced trader. His career stops include a UBS predecessor bank and Credit Suisse.

The executive board of Geneva Cantonal Bank (BCGE) has appointed Richard Christinat (pictured below) to head its financial markets and treasury department.

According to a statement from the state-owned institution in western Switzerland, he becomes responsible for trading operations which with its 20 employees also operates a private equity division in addition to traditional areas of activity such as foreign exchange, stock market, and capital market transactions. BCGE's trading room is one of the few Geneva-based platforms for serving business clients, the statement added.

Christinat 500

(Bild: BCGE)

Karrierstart bei SBC Warburg

Christinat hat seine lange berufliche Laufbahn bei SBC Warburg begonnen, der einstigen Wallstreet-Tochter der UBS-Vorgängerbank SBV. Ab 1995 hatte er verschiedene Funktionen bei der Konkurrentin Credit Suisse in Genf und Zürich inne, unter anderem als Devisenexperte. Nach seiner Tätigkeit für Banque Leu und für die Waadtländer Kantonalbank (BCV) wechselte er 2005 zu PSA International (heute Stellantis), wo er 2014 zum Leiter des Handelsraums ernannt wurde. 2022 stiess er als Leiter Finanzmärkte und Tresorerie zu BCGE.